Sunday 29 July 2012

Chana Rajma Cutlet

Chana in English is called "Chick Peas".
Chana is a very good source of protein. They are also very high in dietary fiber.  This makes Chana a healthy food.  It is also a good source of carbohydrates. It is also good for diabetes patients. Another good thing about Chana is that they are low in fat.  Fiber content is more in dark colored variety. Recent studies have also shown that they can assist in lowering of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

The next main ingredient is Rajma.

Kidney beans are high in fiber. So they are recommended daily intake of fiber. There are 15.35 g of protein and .89 g of fat in a serving of kidney beans. But the protein in the beans consists of an incomplete amino acid. So it is recommended that Rajma should be served with a food containing complementary amino acids, such as rice.

Kidney beans are a good source of the minerals manganese, potassium, copper and phosphorus. Other minerals present in kidney beans include zinc, magnesium and selenium. It is also an excellent source of vitamins. It contains vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, pantothenic acid and vitamin E. The soluble and insoluble fiber in kidney beans helps keep blood sugar levels stable, lowers cholesterol, prevents heart disease and improves overall digestion. The folate and magnesium in kidney beans also contribute to a heart-protective effect.

VOW! That two seeds are a good combination and a healthy food.

Here is a snack with the two.

What We Need
  • White Chana - 1 cup
  • Rajma - half a cup
  • Big Onions - 1 cup chopped
  • Potato - 1 or 2 boiled
  • Roasted groundnut powder - half a cup
  • Roasted gram (pottu kadalai) powder - half a cup
  • Mint leaves - half a cup
  • Coriander leaves - 1 cup
  • Chat Masala powder - half a tea spoon
  • Gharam Masala powder - half to one tea spoon
  • Green chilli paste - 3 to 5 table spoon (according to how much spicy you want it to be)
  • Ginger-Garlic paste - 2 tea spoon
  • Semia - half a cup
  • Corn flour - half a cup
  • Fennel seeds - half to one tea spoon
  • Salt - to taste 
  • Oil - for shallow fry

  1. Soak Chana and Rajma over night.
  2. Blend it in a mixie.
  3. Boil potatoes and mash it.
  4. Now take a bowl add chana-rajma mixture, mashed potatoes and chopped onions and mix well.
  5. To this add ginger-garlic paste, green chilli paste, mint leaves, coriander leaves, chat masala powder, gharam masala, roasted groundnut powder, roasted gram powder and salt and mix well.
  6. After mixing well make the mixture into any cutlet shape.
  7. Heat oil in a pan. Oil should be heated well.
  8. Now take corn flour in a bowl add necessary water and mix well.
  9. On another bowl take semia (vermicelli) or noodle pieces
  10. When the oil is heated, take cutlet pieces, dip it in the corn flour batter, roll it in the semia pieces  and put it in the pan.
  11. Shallow fry until the cutlet turns golden brown.
  12. Cutlet is ready.
  13. Serve it with tomato sauce or mint leaves chutney.
Please note that, the cutlet at the level of step 6 can be stored in refrigerator for 3 to 4 days in an airtight box. It can be taken out at any time and fried (following step 7 onwards) and served during this period. This allows you to prepare the cutlets a day or 2 before the arrival of any guest and can be fried and served when they arrive.

Please try it out and let me have your feed back.  

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